2012年2月6日 星期一


琴日去行寵物展, 冇咩睇, 不過好多人, 貓貓狗狗都好多.

買左2隻老鼠仔, 一條貓棒, 一條似老鼠既物體, SPCA既貓月曆.

個隻老鼠仔有貓大麻(CATNIP)係入面, 玩到貓貓好HIGH架. 玩左一陣, 我家小孩已經係房BIN LEE BANG LAN...唉, 都係收埋先.

reference: http://www.cat-world.com.au/all-about-catnip
 "Around 50% of cats are affected by catnip, and those who are, are affected to differing degrees. Kittens younger than 8 weeks old aren't able to enjoy it's effects. In fact, they show an aversion to it. The response to catnip appears to be inherited as an autosomal gene. It's not just domesticated cats who enjoy the effects of catnip, many lot of wild species also enjoy it. Cats can smell 1 part in a billion in the air. Males & females, entire or desexed, there appears to be no one group who is more readily affected by catnip than another....."

4 則留言:

  1. 佢地會唔會爭玩具架?

  2. 佢地OK WOR.

    番薯玩緊, 栗子就望住. 唔係太爭!

    都 Friend 架!

  3. 咁樣叫做BIN LEE BANG LAN?達仔玩到隻老鼠飛落我頭頂

  4. Naruto:

    BIN LEE BANG LAN 個野我係廳食緊飯, 堅嘈! XD
